Mortgage Switch: A Useful Tool, Not Just at Renewal

Mortgage Tips Shaun Serafini 26 Aug

Purchasing a home is one of the largest investments that most Canadians will ever make. Along with committing to a new address, homeowners are usually committing to a mortgage and a long-term loan agreement. Mortgages are designed to last for decades and A LOT can happen during this time. Life happens and the mortgage agreement […]

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Mortgage Tips Shaun Serafini 18 Aug

  When it comes to mortgages, it is easy to focus on the rates and your current situation, but the reality is that life happens and when it does, rates won’t be the only thing that matter. Trust me. In my experience doing mortgages, the one constant that I can tell you is that “life […]

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“Risky” Variable rate mortgages? Not so Fast…

Mortgage Tips Shaun Serafini 25 Sep

“A Variable rate mortgage? Too risky for me!!” This is probably one of the most frequent, and most costly misconceptions I see in mortgages.  The true risk of a mortgage is in erosion of a family’s net worth. I’m not talking erosion caused by a $25-50 change in a person’s payment when Bank Prime rate […]

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For Rental Properties, Cash (Flow) is King

Mortgage Tips Shaun Serafini 25 Jan

Ask pretty much anybody about mortgages and the first, sometimes only thing they want to talk about is the interest rate. In my business as a Mortgage Professional, my job is to educate clients that while interest rate is definitely a cornerstone of your mortgage decision, it is not the only factor to consider when […]

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Government Mortgage Rule Changes Hurt

Latest News Shaun Serafini 19 Oct

Another set of Canadian mortgage rule changes was announced this week and these changes hurt. A lot! When is our Federal Govt going to realize that national policy aimed at “cooling off” prices in two major markets is hurting far more people / stakeholders than it’s helping? There’s prudent policy and then there’s crushing the […]

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Mortgage Rate Increases Upcoming? What Do I Do?

Latest News Shaun Serafini 7 Jul

You may have heard rumblings of mortgage rate increases recently. As a mortgage broker, I can always tell when media have published their frequent “Lock in your Rate or Doom” headlines. We have received quite a few calls and emails over the past week or so from clients concerned that their mortgage rate / payment […]

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4 Signs You’re Ready For Homeownership

Mortgage Tips Shaun Serafini 22 Jun

While most people know the main things they need to buy a home, such stable employment and enough money for a down payment, there are a few other factors that may help you realize you’re ready, perhaps even earlier than you thought! As a Lethbridge mortgage broker serving the city and the surrounding areas, it […]

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Should You Refinance Your Mortgage?

Mortgage Tips Shaun Serafini 20 May

As a trusted Lethbridge mortgage professional serving Lethbridge and the surrounding areas, I am frequently asked by clients whether they should refinance their current mortgage. People typically ask this question because they have heard that they can lower their monthly payments or that mortgage rates have fallen and they’d like to take advantage of the […]

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